Discovering the extra-terrestrial life: from fiction to reality

Life at other planets or search for extra-terrestrial life has always been a concept of sheer curiosity and a sudden urge to explore the hidden secrets of this dark universe. In this era of technology and constant evolution, scientists and astronomers have attempted numerous missions towards the solar system and its planets to detect what they have in store for the mankind. Living generations are now being able to see the terrestrial-life which...

Searching the Life on Mars : History of Exploration

There are a few things which have fascinated the mankind since the very beginning such as Life on Mars or on other plants or solar system. Be it big bang theory, concept and myths attached to black hole paradigm, it is all in a sync for the human brain. Multiple occasions have occurred when the depth and passion of human ability to explore the hidden secrets of the universe became evident. Same is the case when it comes to planets, and their...