Male seahorses and pipefishes can get pregnant!

Male seahorses and pipefishes can become pregnant and give birth. As part of a project called MALEPREG, Dr. Olivia Roth from the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR) in Germany is studying syngnathids, a fish family including seahorses, pipefish, and seadragons, to understand the evolution of pregnancy. There are three different types of pregnancy in syngnathids. In initial forms, the eggs stick to the male body and then are...

Can we program plants to produce vaccines?

Molecular farming is the basic idea to genetically modify or program plants in order to produce useful biomolecules such as vaccines for us. Cultured proteins could use as medicine for the treatment of many diseases, including diabetes. One of the most common ways of culturing proteins is utilizing bio-machinery of organisms like bacteria and other mammalian cells, such as the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) to use nucleic acid code as a pattern for...